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Derecho of withdrawal and process of developments

In this section you will find all the important information that you need to know and the concrete steps to develop the articles:

1. Developments
1.1. Non-graduated glasses/ground glasses:
No individual passes for devolving glasses or graduates
1.2. Graduation glasses/gafas de sol
Individual passes for devolving graduated glasses

2. What to do when you are on foot


The terms and conditions mentioned in the “Devolutions” section are not required beforehand to cancel this contract with you “derecho de desistimiento” (more below).


If you have normal glasses or non-graduated glasses, take 14 natural days to resume this contract from the date indicated in the company contract.

If you want to withdraw your withdrawal or request a consultation, please contact us within 14 days at

Let us know that our eyes are revealed immediately. Please note that the devolution gas is the customer's responsibility and we do not have our rights in the event of devolution.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make changes directly.


If you want to follow a tutorial, please note the steps that indicate continuation:

Step 1: Download the devolución formula, print it, write it and do not include it in your package so that you can process your devolución. Haze click in this link to access our new development formula.

Step 2: Send your articles to the following directions immediately after notifying us of your intention to carry out a development.

The Little Lunetier
Customer attention
155 rue de Charonne
75011 Paris

Please note that the devolution gas is the customer's responsibility and we do not have our rights in the event of devolution. We also suggest adding a security number to your devolution so that we can recover the package in case any problem occurs. Keep your receipt as reliable as the envío until we receive your articles and have them completed before you devolución.

Step 3: Once you have received your devolución, the procedure and, generally, you re-embols the invoice in a period of 8 laborable days from the receipt of your devolución using the form of the book that you will select to carry out your pedido.


¿Who would you like to wear normal or graduated glasses?

All products that are manufactured with customer specifications are excluded from legal withdrawal. Because of the glasses that are adjusted to adapt to your vision, this is a unique and individual product. Also, we offer you 14 natural days to deliver your delivery, from the day you receive it.

Since the lenses are produced especially so that they coincide with the damaged mount and, subsequently, when they are destroyed, we will be subject to a service charge in the event of devolution. Thank you for your understanding of the respect.

If you select slow prices, you will receive a refund for the low price of a service price of €20. For Comfort lenses, this service price is €40, and €60 for Premium lenses.

If you want to withdraw your withdrawal or request a consultation, please contact us within 14 days at

Please allow 14 natural days to devolve the items undiscarded from the day you receive them.

Please note that the devolution gas is the customer's responsibility and we do not have our rights in the event of devolution.


If you want to follow a tutorial, please note the steps that indicate continuation:

Step 1: Download the devolución formula, print it, write it and do not include it in your package so that you can process your devolución. Haze click in this link to access our new development formula.

Step 2: Send your articles to the following directions immediately after notifying us of your intention to carry out a development.

The Little Lunetier
Customer attention
155 rue de Charonne
75011 Paris

Please note that the devolution gas is the customer's responsibility and we do not have our rights in the event of devolution. We also suggest adding a security number to your devolution so that we can recover the package in case any problem occurs. Keep your receipt as reliable as the envío until we receive your articles and have them completed before you devolución.

Step 3: Once you have received your devolución, the procedure and, generally, you re-embols the invoice in a period of 8 laborable days from the receipt of your devolución using the form of the book that you will select to carry out your pedido.

We therefore deduct a service fee from the import to re-embolsar (as indicated in section 1.2. GAFAS/GAFAS DE SOL GRADUADAS).


Before each shipment, we must verify that our products are not scratched. We also remove the patillas, clean the lenses and package them in each item carefully.

Lamentably, in exceptional cases, products may be damaged during transport or may envy the incorrect product.

If you wish to present an article, please contact our customer attention team at and explain the problem.

Our team will try to find the best and quickest solution to your problem.

IMPORTANT: If we do not advise our customer attention team and our wishes you enter, we can assume the costs of the devolution. Thank you for your understanding of the respect.