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Bordeaux Sainte Catherine

We welcome you without an appointment in all our stores.

122, rue Sainte-Catherine
33000 Bordeaux

05 57 30 74 37

Lundi : 10.00-13.30-14.30-19.00
Mardi : 10.00-19.00
Wednesday: 10.00-13.30-14.30-19.00
Thursday to Saturday: 10.00-19.00
Sunday: Closed

Reception and purchase in store without appointment.

  • Try and buy all our models on site.
  • Mutual reimbursement and social security. Support for CMU and 100% Health.
  • Checking your eyesight by our opticians and personalized adjustments to your frames.
  • Teletransmission for your reimbursements.
  • Strict compliance with health standards.
Bordeaux Sainte Catherine
Bordeaux Sainte Catherine

My canné only beats for you

At Le Petit Lunetier, we make it a point of honor to welcome you as best as possible, and advise you while thinking of you and your interests first. At the store on rue Sainte Catherine, you will be advised by our two opticians, Mélanie and Enguerrand, and Oihana, our optical apprentice.